安装 Git
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Git 设置
Git 配置(首次安装配置)
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# git全局配置指令 git config --global user.name "your_name" git config --global user.email "your_email" # 查看全局配置 git config --global --list # 删除全局配置的用户名 git config --global --unset user.name # 删除全局配置的邮箱 git config --global --unset user.email
ssh 设置(连接github正常则跳过)
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# 生成SSH Keys,默认会生成id_rsa、id_rsa.pub文件,分别为私钥、公钥 ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "[email protected]" # ssh-agent默认只会读取id_rsa文件,需要将私钥添加到ssh-agent中 # 如果报错:unabel to start ssh-agent service,error:1058,需要开启OpenSSH Authentication Agent服务 #(计算机管理-->服务-->OpenSSH Authentication Agent) ssh-add ./id_rsa_github # 配置config文件 # Default github Host github.com HostName github.com User "<user_name>" IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_github # gitee Host gitee.com HostName gitee.com User "<user_name>" IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_gitee # 添加公钥到Git系统,测试 ssh -T [email protected]
链接 GitHub 仓库
终端提交,与在 Windows 终端提几乎一致
You don't have permissions to push to "wilson1202/wilson1202-images" on GitHubWould you like to create a fork and push to it instead?
猜测是因为连接克隆到 github 仓库这一步,使用的是 https 链接,尝试切换至 ssh 链接
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git remote -v #查看当前远程仓库的详细信息 git remote remove origin #移除当前远程仓库关联 git remote add origin [email protected]:username/username.github.io.git #添加远程仓库关联
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